Installation view. Complete Metamorphosis
Press Release
“Since the beginning of time, there had been the people who simply did not like reality, who wanted another world, and if given half a chance would live there forever. Some of the best warlocks might be of this type. Such people content to live in an urbapt, to spend all their money on processing and life-support equipment, to spend days at a time in the Other Plane... They grew more and more adept, more and more knowledgeable–while their bodies slowly wasted. Could imagine such a person becoming an evil thing. It would be like a spider sitting in its web, its victims all humanity.” –Vernor Vinge, True Names
Whatever is going on in the world, there is another place to be. Another world rendered as pure possibility. A home for the mind and heart. Body disappears. Memory and imagination are absorbed. Spirit migrates from the body to a world of total representation. Complete Metamorphosis brings together the work of 6 artists–Wiley Guillot, Kaito Itsuki, Bryce Kroll, Daffy Scanlan, Stefan Schwartzman and Blair Whiteford–whose work in sculpture, painting, and drawing reflect expressions of restlessness and anxiety in an age of progressive denaturation. These works transpire a desire to exist beyond the drag of the meat and the flesh. - Francisco Correa Cordero
Street view Complete Metamorphosis
Installation view of Complete Metamorphosis
Installation view of Complete Metamorphosis. Bryce Kroll and Blair Whiteford
Installation view of Complete Metamorphosis
Blair Whiteford. Deluge. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 51 x 59 inches. 2019
Francisco Correa Cordero is the founder and director of the contemporary art space Lubov based in New York and Zurich, and the executive coordinator at Independent Curators International (ICI) in New York. Independent projects include exhibitions at White Columns, Recess and Underground Flower, and public programs at Residency Unlimited, the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Swiss Institute and apexart in New York.
Wiley Guillot (b. 1994, New York, NY) Currently Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Guillot has previously show at Rachel Uffner, New York; February, Austin; and Open Space Gallery, Baltimore.
KAITO Itsuki (b. 1993, Sapporo, Japan) is a painter based in Tokyo, Japan. KAITO explores ideas of narcissism and shame involving kink behaviors and mythological concepts in her artworks. She graduated from KCUA (MFA) in Kyoto in 2019 and has participated in exhibitions in Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Portland, Oregon.
Daffy Scanlan is an artist from New Jersey and currently based in New York. Her work explores the transportation of antiques through time and space, paying tribute to the neglect and ultimate disembodiment of un-new objects. She combines cracked and broken textures with antiquated color stories, creating portals into a canon of abuse and trauma. Under the moniker Drumloop, Scanlan collages micronized bits of language with piano and digital synthesis to create sonic representations of her internal universe. Her debut EP, Revenge Body, was recently released by Sweat Equity Records.
Stefan Schwartzman is an artist living and working in New York. Recent exhibitions include My Shed Shaped Heart (group) curated by Anna Frost at Hotel Art Pavilion New York and Golem (solo) at Lubov, New York in 2019. Upcoming projects include a group exhibition at darkZone in New Jersey and an exhibition at MX Gallery, New York.
Blair Whiteford (b. 1990, Katonah, NY) is a Brooklyn Based painter. He holds a BFA from Ringling College of Art and Design and an MFA from Yale University. His work has been recently included in exhibitions at Page NYC, Gern En Regalia, and No Place Gallery. He is interested in floods, circulatory systems, and the Bible.
Bryce Kroll. Resistance Adaptations. Antifreeze, plastic, plastic tubing, Homasote, threaded rods, pipe clamps, zip ties, fake bones, electrical conduit, silicone. 22 x 56 x 12 inches. 2019
Installation view. Kaito Itsuki and Daffy Scanlan
Stefan Schwartzman. Untitled. Colored pencil on paper. 24 x 18 inches. 2019
Daffy Scanlan. Generator. Colored pencil, marker and acrylic on canvas. 9 x 12 inches. 2019
Bryce Kroll. Resistance Adaptations. Antifreeze, plastic, plastic tubing, Homasote, threaded rods, pipe clamps, zip ties, fake bones, electrical conduit, silicone. 22 x 56 x 12 inches. 2019
Kaito Itsuki. Amazones Hand. Oil on canvas. 14 x 10 inches. 2019
Wiley Guillot. Untitled. Marker, pen, white-out and paper on paper. 8.5 x 11 inches. 2019