Installation View. Angela Dufresne, Kathy Goodell, Andrew Paul Woolbright

Installation View. Angela Dufresne, Kathy Goodell, Andrew Paul Woolbright

Hoodoo. Oil on panel. 12" x 16". 2017

Installation View. Angela Dufresne, Kathy Goodell

Installation View. Angela Dufresne, Kathy Goodell, Andrew Paul Woolbright

Untitled. Oil on canvas. 40" x 60". 2017

Athena Cam Girl. Oil on panel. 12" x 16". 2017

Installation View of Menage/rie II: Angela Dufrense, Kathy Goodell, Daniel Giordano

Installation View of Menage/rie II: Daniel Giordano and Kathy Goodell
Here I Am. Oil on canvas. 10" x 13". 2017
Study For Brother (Biped) Glazed ceramics, cast aluminum, marzipan, Orange Tang, epoxy resin, artificial teeth. 22H x 12W x 16D inches. 2016
Incantations (soot and milk). Oil on clayboard panel. 24” x 18”. 2017
Hoof. Cast aluminum (deep fried), cast epoxy resin, lead tape, epoxy paste, urinal cake, lipstick. 15.25 x 10 x 4 inches. 2017
Untitled. Oil on clayboard panel. 24” x 18”. 2017
Uranium Mania Series, #1. Vinyl paint on clayboard panel. 36"x 24". 2017

Kathy Goodell

Installation view of Menage/rie III

Installation view of Menage/rie III

Installation view of Menage/rie III

Swung Thicc. Concrete, pigment, altered Cool Whip container filled with concrete, spray paint. 10" x 16" x 8". 2018

Swung Thicc. Concrete, pigment, altered Cool Whip container filled with concrete, spray paint. 10" x 16" x 8". 2018

Study For Brother (M’Mubbafuggen Femi-Crunchy Satyr Adonis Meatball Lovin’ Hero) Foreva, Eva, Foreva Eva? Cast aluminum, glazed ceramic, marscapone, plastic wrap, Orange Tang, Shag, epoxy resin, medicated itch powder, acrylic polymer emulsion, epoxy paste wood, loose leaf binder ring, TruckNutz 54” x 36” x 24” 2017

Study For Brother (M’Mubbafuggen Femi-Crunchy Satyr Adonis Meatball Lovin’ Hero) Foreva, Eva, Foreva Eva? Cast aluminum, glazed ceramic, marscapone, plastic wrap, Orange Tang, Shag, epoxy resin, medicated itch powder, acrylic polymer emulsion, epoxy paste wood, loose leaf binder ring, TruckNutz 54” x 36” x 24” 2017

Shrinebeast Ecology. Oil and acrylic on cut canvas, carved plaster frames. 80" x 94". 2018

Shrinebeast Ecology (Detail). Oil and acrylic on cut canvas, carved plaster frames. 80" x 94". 2018

Installation View. Angela Dufresne and Lauren Fejarang

Installation View. Angela Dufresne and Lauren Fejarang

Installation View. Angela Dufresne and Lauren Fejarang

Weigh in Lux . Concrete and pigment. 7” x 8” x 9”. 2017

Reading Club (2). Oil on canvas. 40" x 26". 2017

Low Key. Ink jet print on syrene. 22” x 22”. 2018